Wednesday, October 11, 2017

"The Opera House " A Film By Susan Froemke

On October 1 st my sisters and I were lucky to go to the NY MET to see the NY Film Festivals opening film “The Opera House,” by Susan Froemke.  What was so personal and special about it for us, was a story that we knew for years was finally made public. This story was about the design for the chandeliers and how it came about by an accident.  My sister Kyna herself an Architect explained and demonstrated the genesis of a splash made by my father Tad Leski which later developed in to the chandelier.  Kyna has the story on a blog about how the concept began. 

Here is a link Opera Chandelier Concept Kyna Leski  

The film should not be missed if you are an opera fan, architect or just interested in what goes on behind the scenes and the development of this magnificent building. 

Photo by Justin Pollack